Yes We Have!

Today, for the first time in history, the largest group of poor Americans is children. If fidelity to freedom and democracy is the code of our civic religion, then surely the code of our humanity is faithful service to the unwritten commandment that we will give our children better than we ourselves received. Like these children, America herself has been impoverished from its promise of a better future for all. Hope has always been the cornerstone of our progress as Americans, and there are moments when hope, which can be stubborn and unyielding, wins out over experience.

In some moments we need wisdom, and in some moments our hope leads us into collective knowledge that there is wisdom to come that must not be denied. There was wisdom in that dream that we bore witness to on August 28, 1963. That dream came knocking at the conscience of a shameful America that had failed to live out the standard of respect the constitution had imputed to all citizens. When America killed the dreamer, the dream did not die. On an August night in 1988, Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. told all of America to keep the hope of that dream alive. Today is the day for all Americans to know that it was not just one man’s dream, but it was a future reality that gave birth to the idea of equality for all. Barrack Obama stands as a faithful witness to the American dream Dr. King told us about that day. Yes, we have in our past denied that dream, but today all Americans can finally say, “We have come a long way.” Yes we have…

~ by pastorpatrickonline on August 31, 2008.

One Response to “Yes We Have!”

  1. True that!

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